Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yay! It's almost the weekend!

Happy Mom Goal

Head off to a cheap close-out store, like Ross or TJmax, and pick out something cute for your house. Could be a flower pot, a vase, or even a new cooking pan! It's simple, but you'll get a little bit of the wonderful "high" that comes from spending money on something fun. Plus, your hubby can't complain when you're new item costs less than $20!

(The pitcher is my new find from Ross...$9.99)

Happy Kid Goal

Draw a chalk racetrack on the sidewalk or driveway so your speed racer can zip around it on her trike or other ride-on.
Create a backyard obstacle course for a toy lawn mower or set one up in the living room for a play vacuum cleaner.

My girls love both!

Happy Husband Goal

Okay, I lifted this idea from Cher over on Love, Actually. But it's a super cute idea!

"I was just thinking back to the days when my husband and I were dating in college. We both had apartments full of rommmates and none of them were dating. We didn't think they'd appreciate our lovey-dovey-ness, so the park became our place. Often, after dark, we would pack up the laptop, a DVD, a blanket, and a few snacks and head to the park. This is us...except, we were in a park, not a meadow.And we didn't have a logo in front of our faces. :) Oh, and my husband is WAY better looking!
Okay, let's be honest here...movies in the park could be translated into makeout in the park. Perhaps you can relate? Now, I'm sitting here wondering,"WHAT HAPPENED to those days? Did we grow out of that? Are we too old now?"It's not like it's hard to do or expensive...nor does it require much planning. (Okay, if you have kids, your babysitter might think it a little weird that they're being paid while you two go to the park, of all places. And your kids might hate you for going to the park without them....but, someday they'll understand.)"

Happy House Goal

I don't know about you, but my magazine piles certainly know how to stack up fast! Some of them I save (like my church magazines) but most of them - like clothing catalogues - I'm eventually going to throw away. Seriously, magazines seem to put themselves into piles all over my house: the office desk, the living room end table, the rocking chair side pocket, even my kitchen counter. Today, go through and organize your magazines and store catalogues. Throw out the ones you don't need and put all the others "away-away" in a spot out of sight. (Keeping household surfaces clear of clutter is the number one way to have a tidy house!)

Dinner Tonight

Steak in a "Mole" Rub
This is a recipe for a totally bold flavor for your meat!

Mix together equal parts:
chili powder
grated orange peel
chocolate shavings (you heard me; chocolate!)
Apply rub evenly over surface of meat, cover and refrigerate for 30 miuntes. Grill steak to desired done-ness.

Today's Pep Talk

Whew! We made it through another week! I just wanted to remind you that if you are a mother, you are amazing. I truly cannot say it enough, but I honestly believe that it is the hardest, most demanding job in the world. My husband, who is the oldest of 9 children, agrees with me - having helped his own mother raise kids for nearly 27 years. It takes so much out of us each day, even if we don't let anyone in on it! Yet, we still continue to do it every day - we HAVE to! But the best part is, we all love it. And that ladies, is what makes us SO AMAZING!

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Welcome Ladies!

This is our Happy Moms Club! If you're here, it's because you want to become a happier wife and mother....something we strive to help you do! Check this blog each week for your daily goals, pep talk and advice(More info on the SIDEBAR.) There are several units of the HMC, but each group is encouraged to have Happy Mom's Happy Hour every other week, complete with non-alcholic drinks and chatting time! Also, once a month you should have Guilty Pleasure Day, which will be a few hours out to lunch or a movie or something, without your kids. That's right, you heard me, KID FREE! So start saving your pennies! Leave a comment to let us know if you would like to be part of our club! It's free to join, all you do is leave a comment and log on each week to get your goals and peptalk. Also, feel free to leave comments with any suggestions, advice, or something to make us giggle a bit!


I do not own many of the pictures posted on The Happy Moms Club Blog. I do not make any money from them or this site.