Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where do I Turn?

You're a small child.
You wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night.
It's dark.
It's silent.
Where do you go for comfort?

You're a small child.
Your chest is aching.
Your throat is sore.
Your head throbs.
Who do you turn to for comfort?

Someone pulls you into their warm arms.
They lay your head in their lap.
They stroke your face and hair.
They whisper that everything will be alright.
They softly hum and sing to you.
You are comforted.

Now, you are a mother.
Your children cry for you.
You comfort them.
They are hungry.
You make them a meal.
They are sick.
You nurse them back to health.
They are afraid.
You rock them.
You hold them.
You kiss them.
You love them.
You are their comfort.

You are a mother.
You wake in the night.
You are afraid.
You are alone.
You are sick.
Where are you to turn for comfort?
The lord is there.
As the mother now, He is all I have.

I miss having a mother. I mean, I still have mine; She is very much alive and well. But when I feel afraid, alone or uncomfortable, I sometimes wish I could still just crawl up into someone's lap. That someone could hold me and comfort me in the way only a mother could. As a mom, there are just days when I feel that I've given so much of myself and not gotten anything in return. I feel so drained and alone. Like no one even notices that I have needs too. No one asks me what I want for dinner. No one asks me if I'm alright. If I'm unhappy, no one sees it and gives all they can to comfort me and make it all better. Is it so much to ask for? I'm grateful that I have the Lord there to talk to. That he is there to hear, answer, and comfort me. Like he takes me into his arms, strokes my hair, and whispers that it will all be okay.

1 comment:

Renee Snyder said...

I feel the same way at times. When ever I turn to the lord I instantly feel better.

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