Happy Kid Goal:

Take your child on a fun walk today! Point out a few new things they may have noticed before, and talk about what you see. They'll love it! (And they might be worn out enough for a nap when you get home!)
Happy Husband Goal:

Leave a note for your man in his wallet before he goes to work. Nothing overly mushy or cheesy... just let him know that you appreciate all he does for your family and that you think about him! =)
Happy House Goal:

Organize your DVDs. I know, it can be a big pain in the butt! But trust me, you'll love it once it's done. (This might actually kina count as a Happy Hubby Goal too....)
Dinner Tonight
Marinated Pork Chops
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup apricot jam
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 (1" thick) pork chops
Combine first four ingredients. Marinate pork chops in sauce for 1 hour. If desired, brush sauce on pork chops before grilling. *Grill on medium heat 5-8 minutes per side.
Serve with mashed potatoes with (instant) pork gravy and steamed broccoli.
*You can grill these on a George Foreman Grill, or they can even be baked in 350 degree oven for 45 mins. (brush the sauce on during the last 10 minutes.)
Today's Pep Talk
You guys all rock! Don't you love that it's Friday?? I sure do! We've made it through another week. Are you any happier? I hope so - I know I am! Today, I just want to remind you all about why we're doing this.....our children. Aren't they amazing? Even though there are certainly times when we think they'll drive us to insanity, they bring such joy to our lives. Can you imagine life without their little faces? I think it's amazing and wonderful that God trusts us with these little miracles, and I want to do the best job that I can raising them. That, of course, means that I need to be a happier person. We do these goals each day so that we can be the best we can be for these beautiful and inspiring children. They are wonderful, and SO ARE YOU!! You're the ones who brought them here and who have raised them to be as great as they are. Keep it up!!