Thursday, April 30, 2009

Start Your Own Group!!

I've had a few inquiries about "Happy Hour" and "Guilty Pleasure Day."
Turns out that there are a lot more mommies out there who like our club than I realized!
So, if you don't personally know us, but would like to participate in the activities, all you have to do is start your own branch of The Happy Moms Club!
Invite a group of your friends to this blog and figure out a day every other week that you can hold your own Happy Hours, and one day each month to do Guilty Pleasure day.
Every day, have your ladies check in on the blog for the daily goals and pep talk!
Don't forget to have everyone leave a comment here saying that they are now a Happy Mom!
I'm excited to say that in addition to our branch here in Orem, there is now a branch of Happy Moms in Cache County!
Woo Hoo!!!!!


~ Stacie ~ said...

Oh my gosh, this blog is so what I need!
Happy mom goal: Awesome!
Happy kid goal: My kids are going to love me!
Happy husband goal: with kids sometimes hubbys don't get the attention they need!
Happy house goal: I'm always happy when my house is clean!
I think the best part is I don't have to figure out whats for dinner! Thanks karyn!

Karyn said...

Yay Stacie! Now you just need to get a group of gals together for your bi-weekly Happy Hours!

Leslie said...

way to go super mom karyn!

Karyn said...

Hey thanks Les =) Does that mean you're in??

Welcome Ladies!

This is our Happy Moms Club! If you're here, it's because you want to become a happier wife and mother....something we strive to help you do! Check this blog each week for your daily goals, pep talk and advice(More info on the SIDEBAR.) There are several units of the HMC, but each group is encouraged to have Happy Mom's Happy Hour every other week, complete with non-alcholic drinks and chatting time! Also, once a month you should have Guilty Pleasure Day, which will be a few hours out to lunch or a movie or something, without your kids. That's right, you heard me, KID FREE! So start saving your pennies! Leave a comment to let us know if you would like to be part of our club! It's free to join, all you do is leave a comment and log on each week to get your goals and peptalk. Also, feel free to leave comments with any suggestions, advice, or something to make us giggle a bit!


I do not own many of the pictures posted on The Happy Moms Club Blog. I do not make any money from them or this site.