Take a few minutes- maybe when the kids are down for a nap and pull out your wedding album. I always find my outlook on life is better and I am happier after I look at pictures of that wonderful day. I feel more beautiful and I find my love for my husband rekindled!
Happy Kids Goal:

Put all the kids in swim suits and send them outside with their own 80 cent bottle of bubbles and let them waste that whole bottle! They will love doing it on their own and when its outside and their in swimsuits who cares if they make a mess!
Happy Husband Goal:

Take an interest in his work. Ask him what his day consists of. You will be surprised at how much more is involved in their job than you thought. I remember going to a meeting with my husband and his boss one time and his boss telling me that I was the only wife he knew of in the company who knew that much about what went on day to day. It opens up conversations and you can ask specifics about their day and you'll find you have more to talk about! They will feel more loved when you take an interest in their lives outside of the home.
Happy Home Goal:

Get a dust rag and stick it to the end of your broom and get all those cobwebs from your ceilings that dont get cleaned much since its not in your line of sight! When they are all cleaned it feels nice and I can pretend like spiders dont exist in my house cause there is no evidence of them ever being there!!!

2lbs of ground beef
1/2 cup honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon, paprika, curry
1/8 tsp ginger, nutmeg
1/4 cup soy sauce
Mix all together in a bowl and form patties- then grill them up!
Serve with tomatos, avacados and red onions, pinapple, cheese
We love the honey burgers!
Thanks, Kira, for all the awesome goal ideas! I can't wait to try the honey burgers, and I LOVE the idea of getting to know your husband's job better. Thanks, you're a life saver!
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