Happy Mom Goal:

I love to do at-home-facials, usually after the kids are in bed, or any other time i have a half hour to myself. It forces me to sit still for a minute and relax. If you use any specific brand of makeup or cleansing system, they probably have some kind of mask you can use, or go get something cheap from a local drug store. Wash your face, do the mask, sit and relax for twenty minutes with it on your face, read or watch your favorite show. Wash and moisturize your face. If im really lucky and have enough time i will also try to regain control of my eyebrows, as i rarely have time for that in my day to day routine.
Happy Kid Goal:

In a large container combine:
1 1/2 cups warm water
2 cups white glue
Food coloring
In second, smaller container, combine:
1 1/3 cups warm water
3 tsp. Borax (a laundry agent, can find with laundry soap at the store)
* Mix ingredients in each container thoroughly.
* Pour contents of smaller container in to large container.
* Gently lift and turn mixture until only about a tablespoon of liquid is left.
FLUBBER will be sticky for a moment or two. Let excess liquid drip off, then FLUBBER will be ready!STRETCH IT! BOUNCE IT! ROLL IT!Store in an airtight container for about three weeks of use!
I have not actually made this with my kids yet, but i made it all the time when i worked at the Boys and Girls club, the kids LOVE it!!!
Happy Husband Goal:

Socks. My hubby loves new socks. In fact, he even loves old socks that are clean. Socks seem to get lost fairly easy and they are so annoying to mate. So today, find all the socks you can, launder them and fill up your man's sock drawer. In the event you cannot find any socks, as is the case sometimes, (I am firm in the belief that there is some abyss in the washer that eats them) go buy a new package. Trust me, he'll thank you.
Happy House Goal:

Your desktop; both the virtual and the physical.
Take a minute to go through the desktop on your computer and get rid of old downloads, consolidate things that need to be saved into easy to manage folders, etc. My virtual desktop is a constant battle, but it always makes me happy to clear away the clutter. As for the Physical desktop, here's my favorite quote: "A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind." LOL, I think the desk is the never ending dumping ground, and at least in our home, is one of the most used surfaces. It's easy to stack things and leave old papers and bills. Get a few stackable trays for mail and bills, put the new stuff on top and move them down a slot when they have been opened or paid. I throw stuff away after a month, when i get the new bills, but if you want to keep things loger make a home for filed papers somewhere other than your desk top. Keep a tub of clorox wipes near your desk and once a week while you are on the phone, downloading, or chatting wipe down the surfaces on your desk- top of the monitor, printor, etc. Make sure you only use products that will not damage your monitor screen when cleaning.
Dinner Tonight (and the next, and the next!)

Ground Beef
{{I love these ideas from Chelsea!}}
I'm not all that organized when it comes to preparing meals for my family, but one thing i am good at is hamburger. I will buy the biggest package of ground beef at the store, and then at home I separate it something like this:
*two quart-sized freezer bags with plain meat (about 1 lb each bag, or a serving for your fam)
to make ground meat for tacos etc.
*put the rest in a large bowl
add about 1 egg for every two pounds of meat, oatmeal- about 1/2 cup per lb, garlic salt and pepper (i estimate all these additives, i never measure anything).
I make this into hamburger patties.
*Just portion out how much meat for each, flatten into patties, put in a gallon size freezer bag (i like to do four to one layer, use wax paper in between layers if your making a lot. Put enough for one meal in each bag. Make a couple bags at a time if you want)
* add crackers or crushed croutons to the meat thats left, usually some more seasoning, and make either meatballs or a meatloaf.
For Meatballs:
*Add italian seasoning, more garlic powder, and onion salt
*Then portion the meat, roll into balls and place in a freezer bag, whatever size will be enough for your fam.
For Meatloaf:
*Add garlic powder and onion salt
*Put right into a pan that can go from the freezer to the oven.
Use plastic wrap and press it right onto the meat, then cover with foil. (Don't forget to remove the plastic before baking!)
So now I have meat servings for several meals ready to pull out of the freezer and cook. All of these things can be cooked from frozen, it may take a little more time, but i rarely thaw (mostly because I forget) anything.
Today's Pep Talk
What does that word bring to your mind? Appreciation? Relief? Annoyance? Maybe even anger?
No matter what walk of life you are in, as a mother it's almost a guarantee that you'll get lots of advice from others on a regular basis. This comes from friends you love, church members who are just trying to help, moms who think they know more than you do, and (the always popular) mother-in-law who KNOWS her way is best!
Now, in all honesty I seek advice quite often. Usually from my own mother who is happy to give her advice or opinion on anything she knows. There are however, some things she simply won't tell me because she thinks I need to figure it out on my own (however good or annoying that may be!)
I usually seek advice when I'm stressed out, about to have a melt down, or simply CANNOT figure out what to do. I think this is a perfectly good thing to do. Moms have been around since the beginning of time and the fact of the matter is: there are women out there who have already been through it and know what works for them. If I can't get my child to eat her veggies, I ask a mother who had the same problem and got through it.
Then, of course, there is the advice that comes when you have things under control and aren't looking for anyone else's thoughts or ideas. This is enough to get any mom's nerves going at any time.
So here's my idea for today:
If you are at a loss for what to do or say on a certain subject, ASK FOR ADVICE. There is absolutely no shame in it! Find another mom who's opinions you trust and respect, and ask them what they would do. It's really alright to ask for help!
On the other hand, when you get advice that isn't good for you, simply DISREGARD IT. Remember, YOU are the mom. You get to do things how you want in your family, and there's no need to let others' opinions bother you. Come up with some good one-liners that you can use when you get un-wanted advice, such as
"That's an interesting idea. I'll have to think about that one."
"Hmm, I never thought of it that way. Thanks for your input."
And then just don't let it get to you. If they press you further, just state that you will do things the way you feel is best for you and your family. You are the matriarch of your family, and YOU KNOW BEST!