Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Happy Mom Goal:

Indulge yourself in a favorite hobby today. Crafting, scrapbooking, writing, sewing......whatever it may be, enjoy yourself!

Happy Kid Goal:

Play "pretend" with your child today. Go on a hunt for monsters, search for a missing treasure, or sail on the ocean with pirates. Let your inner-child imagination come to the surface, and teach your children how to use their own!

Happy Husband Goal:

Ask your husband what he'd like to do tonight. Leave it completely up to him. Whether it be going out, or just chillin' together on the sofa. But have some enjoyable time together.

Happy House Goal:
Organize your closet. (This one is fun for me, but I'm kind of an organization freak.) I love putting all my shoes in order, hanging all my handbags on hooks, and color sorting my clothes. Plus, it's a lot easier to find everything!

Dinner Tonight:

Karyn's Pizza Bake (it's not really pizza!)
2 cans of refrigerator biscuits
1 can pizza sauce (I make my own with a can of tomato sauce, garlic powder, and italian season.)
Grated Mozerella cheese
desired pizza toppings (pepperoni, pineapple, peppers, olives, mushrooms, sausage, etc;)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with cooking spray. Remove biscuit dough and cut in quarters. In a bowl, stir the pieces of dough together with the pizza sauce, toppings, and some of the cheese. Spread the mixture onto the baking sheet, and top with remaining cheese. Bake for 1/2 hour, or until the biscuits are golden brown. Check with a toothpick in the center biscuits to make sure it's cooked all the way through.

My husband LOVES this stuff!

Today's Pep Talk
Instead of our usual advice or encouragement, today I decided to post this cool thing my friend Kira sent me. Hope you enjoy it.

The time we spend at home and the atmosphere of the home have a powerful influence on our lives. Here our children form their habits and ideas.
Dorothy Law Nolte wrote:
"If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condem."
"If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight"
"If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy"
"If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty"
"If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient."
"If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to confidence."
"If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate."
"If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice"
"If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith."
"If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself."
" If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world" ("children learn what they live" 1963 John Phillip Co)

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Welcome Ladies!

This is our Happy Moms Club! If you're here, it's because you want to become a happier wife and mother....something we strive to help you do! Check this blog each week for your daily goals, pep talk and advice(More info on the SIDEBAR.) There are several units of the HMC, but each group is encouraged to have Happy Mom's Happy Hour every other week, complete with non-alcholic drinks and chatting time! Also, once a month you should have Guilty Pleasure Day, which will be a few hours out to lunch or a movie or something, without your kids. That's right, you heard me, KID FREE! So start saving your pennies! Leave a comment to let us know if you would like to be part of our club! It's free to join, all you do is leave a comment and log on each week to get your goals and peptalk. Also, feel free to leave comments with any suggestions, advice, or something to make us giggle a bit!


I do not own many of the pictures posted on The Happy Moms Club Blog. I do not make any money from them or this site.