Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Happy Mom Goal:

Try a new lipstick or lip gloss today. You can even just pick up a cheap one from the local drug store. But it's always fun to try a new color!

Happy Kid Goal:

Your little one may not be wild about bathing. Or about veggies. But put them together and you've got a magically mesmerizing activity--with the bonus that everything from that head of lettuce to your child's own hands will be washed and ready for dinner (including the kitchen sink).
1. Set out some towels; dress your child (and yourself) in clothes you don't mind getting wet.
2. Pull a sturdy stepstool over to a sink filled with water.
3. Put any veggies you'll be serving for dinner on one side of the sink and a colander on the other. Now hand your small fry a vegetable scrubbing brush and encourage him to wash the produce and then drop it in the colander to drain. If you like, bring out some extras for him to play with too: a funnel, plastic cups, a sieve, and sponges. (Keep an eye on him at all times.)
Even older kids like to help around in the kitchen, and you might try teaching a new cooking skill to one of your pre-teens if you have them!

Happy Husband Goal:

This was actually my own husband's idea for a Happy Husband Goal. Leave a "coupon" on your man's pillow tonight. Something like "Good for one night without the kids," "Good for dinner and a movie on me," or "good for one guy's night out." (I thought about doing a whole coupon book with lots of different things in it, but I think I'd rather leave them sparatically, one at a time, and on random days.

Happy House Goal:

Organize your coat closet. These places always collect the most random junk at my house! I opened mine today and found not just coats and my vaccuum, but other clothes and shoes my kids had dumped there, our cam-corder, and even an old porcelain doll from my childhood (don't ask me why!) Get rid of any junk or things you don't need anymore....the more you can stand to get rid of, the better! Then get everything organized in a way that things are easy to find and to reach!

Dinner Tonight:

Fried Rice - can be used as a side dish OR a main course. Whatever you want to do!

(submitted by Stephanie S.)
4-5 cups cooked rice (more of less depending on how many people you are feeding)

2 peppers cut (red, green or orange mix it up)

1 onion chopped

1 clove garlic minced

1/2 lb bacon or as much as you like

1/2 lb ham cubed

6-9 eggs (more or less depending on what you like)



or any other veggie you have around
cook rice-while rice is cooking cut up bacon and ham and fry in pan medium heat-chop onion, peppers and garlic add to meat continue to fry -add any veggies you want to the mixture and cook through-cook and scramble eggs in separate frying pan
-when rice is done throw it all together in a large mixing bowl and add soy sauce to taste

Today's Pep Talk

So, I've been having kind of a rough few days with my 3 year old. Man, I really wish she wasn't so much like me! Anyway, with stress and emotions running high, I've had a few moments where I felt like giving up. I thought to myself as I was writing a club post the other day,"how can I be so hypocritical as to sit here and write this? I'm certainly not a 'Happy Mom'!" I was so upset that my wonderful husband had to hold me tight and physically calm me down telling me that I am incredible and that everyone goes through this. I've been feeling so down and depressed about everything. Yesterday, two wonderful ladies from my church came to my house to visit me and see how I was doing. They didn't know anything about my current troubles, but they came and asked how I was handling being a mom of 3 and letting me know that they are here to help. After they left, it didn't take long before I realized how much better I felt. I was so much happier and dealing with my stress better. Having people who are there for you makes such a big impact on our lives. Think about those who are there for you, and don't be afraid to ask for help, or even just call them to talk. It helps so so much!

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Welcome Ladies!

This is our Happy Moms Club! If you're here, it's because you want to become a happier wife and mother....something we strive to help you do! Check this blog each week for your daily goals, pep talk and advice(More info on the SIDEBAR.) There are several units of the HMC, but each group is encouraged to have Happy Mom's Happy Hour every other week, complete with non-alcholic drinks and chatting time! Also, once a month you should have Guilty Pleasure Day, which will be a few hours out to lunch or a movie or something, without your kids. That's right, you heard me, KID FREE! So start saving your pennies! Leave a comment to let us know if you would like to be part of our club! It's free to join, all you do is leave a comment and log on each week to get your goals and peptalk. Also, feel free to leave comments with any suggestions, advice, or something to make us giggle a bit!


I do not own many of the pictures posted on The Happy Moms Club Blog. I do not make any money from them or this site.