Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hey amazing ladies!

Sunday, for our family, is a day of rest. It's all about family and togetherness on this day, so I don't focus at all on a chore for my house or anything. So for our Happy Mom's Club, I've decided that every Sunday we will have the same goal: to bring our own families closer together. You get to decide how - every family has their own way of doing things.

I'll leave it up to you wonderful moms to figure out an awesome way to help make your family feel a spirit of togetherness.

I will, however, include a recipe idea just in case you want it!

Dinner Tonight:

Round Steak Over Rice

2 pounds round steak sliced about 1/4 inch thick

2 Tbsp. oil

2 Tbsp. dried minced onion

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup corn starch

1/4 cup soy sauce

4 oz. can mushrooms

2 beef bouillon cubes

dash pepper

2 1/2 cups water to make a paste with corn starch to thicken. Simmer for 30 min. and serve over rice.

(Sorry, I couldn't find any good pictures of this!)

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Welcome Ladies!

This is our Happy Moms Club! If you're here, it's because you want to become a happier wife and mother....something we strive to help you do! Check this blog each week for your daily goals, pep talk and advice(More info on the SIDEBAR.) There are several units of the HMC, but each group is encouraged to have Happy Mom's Happy Hour every other week, complete with non-alcholic drinks and chatting time! Also, once a month you should have Guilty Pleasure Day, which will be a few hours out to lunch or a movie or something, without your kids. That's right, you heard me, KID FREE! So start saving your pennies! Leave a comment to let us know if you would like to be part of our club! It's free to join, all you do is leave a comment and log on each week to get your goals and peptalk. Also, feel free to leave comments with any suggestions, advice, or something to make us giggle a bit!


I do not own many of the pictures posted on The Happy Moms Club Blog. I do not make any money from them or this site.